
Design and Analysis of a Low Power Current Starved VCO for ISM band Application


This research paper explores the applications of current starved oscillators in the Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band, specifically focusing on the frequency range of 2.4 GHz. Additionally, it examines the challenges and potential future developments in this field. The construction of a 3-stage, 5 stage and 7 stage current-starved CMOS VCO called the Ring oscillator. The size and power requirements of the suggested circuits are extremely low, and they work with wireless technology. The very low power supply 0.9 V is applied. As we vary control voltage its oscillation frequency is also varied. At 2.4 GHz oscillation frequency performance analysis of 3, 5 and 7 stage current starved oscillator is observed. The novelty of proposed work is its better tunning range 0.534 GHz to 11.036 GHz, 0.433 GHz to 6.43 GHz and 0.353 GHz to 4.59 GHz, low power consumption 0.250 mW, 0.254 mW and 0.256 mW and low voltage supply of 0.9 V of 3-stage, 5-stage and 7-stage current starved voltage-controlled oscillator respectively. Phase noise of the 3-Stage, 5-Stage, and 7-Stage CSVCOs at 2.419 GHz was measured at 1 MHz offset to be -75.91 dBC/Hz, -76.38 dBC/Hz, and -79.934 dBC/Hz respectively. PSS analysis found -85.946 dBm, -97.314 dBm and -105.1 dBm of 3, 5 and 7 stage CSVCO respectively at 2.4 GHz frequency. The fragrance of this CSVCO is its low power supply.


CSVCO; ISM; Low phase noise; Low power; PSS; Ring oscillator; VCO