
Experimental Investigation of false ceiling using bubble sheet for sustainable ventilation


Ventilation with proper air change rate (ACR) is a crucial component in maintaining healthy indoor air quality, especially in buildings with poor air circulation. Traditional methods of ventilation, such as mechanical systems, will be costly and energy intensive. Specially in sheet metal roof top buildings the heat gain is more than concrete slab. The heat transferred in occupied space is not only by conduction. convection but radiation mode of heat transfer feels like burning sensation to the occupants. Bubble sheet installation as a false ceiling at predetermined distance will acts as radiation shield. The radiated heat energy is reflected back towards the ceiling, due heat transfer between ceiling and bubble sheet as a false ceiling the air between both is being heated. This heated air is replaced by either solar chimney or turbo ventilator. Controllable openings in the false ceiling provides predetermined air change through the occupied space. In heavily occupied buildings the ACR up to 10 is specified. Sustainable ventilation system with above features is installed in room number B-341, SSVPS B. S. Deore College of Engineering Dhule, (74o 45” N 20o 50” E, 259 m above MSL), about 150 km. NE of Nashik located in Maharashtra state of India. Through experimentation, the temperature at various locations in occupied space is observed. The results will provide valuable insights into the potential benefits and limitations of using natural ventilation processes for ventilation in buildings. Installation of bubble sheet as a false ceiling reduces the temperature of 6oC - 7oC in the occupied space.


Occupied space 1: Upper zone Occupied space 2: Middle zone Occupied space 3: Lower zone Tavg: average of all occupied space temperatures Tmin: mean value of average temperature Tambient: ratio of Tavg:Tmin ACR: Air Change Rate POP: Plaster of Paris VIPs: Vacuum Insulation Panels RCC: Reinforced Concrete Temperature: Degree Celsius (°C) ACR: Air Changes Per Hour (ACH)